Books others
A selection of the new foreign tram-, train- and busbooks filtered out.
Article 140047: Der Stadtverkehr zur UEFA EURO 2008 for € 4,95
In this special issue of der Wiener Verkehrsblätter all the planned and unplanned trafficmeasures in all of the eight Austrian and Swiss cities are described, where the European Footballchampionchip was held in 2008. With large text(in German) and several colour-pictures all the important items will be shown, like the last extra tramservice to the Vienna Ernst-Happel-Stadium, the service with hired buses from Linz and Klagenfurt etc.
Article 152033: Atlas komunikacji miejskiej - woj. lubuskie for € 7,50
This book describes all Polish tram and bus companies in the province of Lubuskie through a brief overview with some nice pictures and associated network
plans and network overview.
The book is written entirely in Polish, but the experienced enthusiast still
has a great reference work in his hands.
The cities covered are:
- Objasnienie
- Drezdenko
- Gorzow Wielkopolski
- Gubin
- Kostrzyn nad Odra
- Lubsko
- Miedzyrzecz
- Nowa Sol
- Slubice
- Zielona Gora
- Zagan
- Zary
- Swiebodzin
Article 160052: Bestemming Buitenland ; Roemenië for € 35,00
Traveling by public transport was introduced to Hugo Richter in his childhood (a capacity planner at ProRail in daily life). Both his parents did not have a drivers license and so all trips during his childhood were made by train and bus. This led to Hugo an interest in this mode of transport. Initially only in the Netherlands, but soon travels were made throughout Europe and eventually even all over the world. All with the aim of finding a piece of the Netherlands in distant countries.
The first long-haul journey in which former Dutch public transport equipment was recovered led to Romania. In this photo book a selection from his collection of photos built up over the years, divided by city. More than twenty different cities are covered. In addition, this retrospective has been supplemented with anecdotes about incidents that took place during his visits to numerous locations. With this photo book, taste the atmosphere of change during ten years of traveling through Romania in search of the Dutch past.
Article 160055: Bestemming Buitenland: Cuba for € 42,50
Traveling by public transport was introduced to Hugo Richter in his childhood (a capacity planner at ProRail in daily life). Both his parents did not have a drivers license and so all trips during his childhood were made by train and bus. This led to Hugo an interest in this mode of transport. Initially only in the Netherlands, but soon travels were made throughout Europe and eventually even all over the world. All with the aim of finding a piece of the Netherlands in distant countries.
The second long journey in which former Dutch public transport equipment was found was to Cuba. In this photo book a look at this versatile country with its many beautiful landscapes and the many former Dutch buses in it. Taste the atmosphere of this country with this photo book with many photos from 2013 and 2017.
Article 160056: Bestemming Buitenland deel 3: Rusland en Kazachstan for € 39,90
Traveling by public transport was instilled in Hugo Richter (in daily life as a capacity planner at ProRail). Both his parents did not have a driver′s license, so all trips during his childhood were made by train and bus. This sparked Hugo′s interest in this mode of transport. Initially only in the Netherlands, but soon trips were made throughout Europe and eventually even all over the world. All with the aim of finding a piece of the Netherlands in distant countries.
The third long journey in which former Dutch public transport equipment was recovered led to Russia and Kazakhstan. In this photo book a look at these versatile countries with its many beautiful landscapes and the many former Dutch buses.
Article 160059: Met de bus mee - groei en bloei van 1950 tot 1963 for € 39,90
In the Netherlands, many books have been published on rail transport and the train. In comparison, regional bus transport as a mode of transport has remained rather underexposed. This is regrettable from a cultural-historical point of view, because it is precisely because of regional transport that the countryside could develop and the business centers could tap into a source of labor. Regional transport made urban centers more accessible to rural residents than before who did not have access to a (motorized) means of transport. This book, the second part in the series, aims to make up for that omission. In the foregoing part, with the subtitle ″Arrival and departure in 1950″ we arrived by bus in 1950. The Reconstruction of the regional transport after the second world war is then almost complete. The (re) structuring, deployed in the 1930s, is largely over by then. Arriving in 1950, a number of issues remain that need to be resolved. Regional transport benefits from tailwind: the number of travelers is increasing and - modest - profit is being made. The peak of this period is in 1963. After 1963, regional transport faced headwinds by repression. Many prefer their own transport by moped or, increasingly, by car above the bus. The author takes the reader on a virtual journey through the Netherlands and describes the transport companies who are active in regional transport.
Article 160060: met de GVB-bus onderweg for € 19,96
Have you ever traveled with a GVB bus in the past? To work, with the football club, to the swimming pool or on a school trip? Or have you been a driver on these buses yourself or did you do other work for this company? Then this book full of memories will certainly appeal to you.
Article 160062: Met de GVA-bus onderweg for € 19,95
Have you ever ridden a GVA bus before? To work, with the football club, to the swimming pool or on a school trip. Or have you been a driver on these buses yourself or did you do other work for this company? Then this book full of memories will certainly appeal to you.
In his younger years, Peter van der Meer came into contact with the GVA at an early age, through bus trips from his hometown Huissen to and in Arnhem. He discovered early on that there were different types of buses, but he never got around to taking pictures. That only started in 1982, but the GVA has always kept his interest.
Years later, contacts with fellow hobbyists gave him the idea to compile a photo book about GVA buses, as a follow-up to earlier publications about other bus companies. This book was created in collaboration with - and certainly also thanks to the willingness of - fellow hobbyists. It contains a limited number of photos from the period before the Second World War, because the emphasis is on the period after that up to and including the present. You will also find photos of buses that now keep the past alive as a museum bus.
Article 160075: Onderweg 100 jaar KNVTO (2e hands) for € 5,00
This book was published by the KNVTO, the Royal Dutch Society of transportcompanies, on the occasion of their centenary in 1981. In this book an era of hundred years of public- and goods transport is decribed with many illustrations. This book is only available as a second-hand issue. A nice book for the fan of the history of the national transport.